Dec 14, 2022

How Signage Brings Communities Together

How Signage Brings Communities Together

Signage is displayed throughout communities as a means of communication. What a sign communicates to people is based on a variety of factors, including color, font, size, and more. When done properly, signage can foster relationships and increase community engagement.

Read on to learn how signage brings communities together.

01. Promotes community-related events

Events are a great way to boost community involvement. While social media is a great platform to advertise community events, people often forget about posts they have previously scrolled through. Posting signs throughout the community serves as an immediate attention-grabber and a reminder of upcoming events.

02. Provides safety to community members

Refer to our article on directional signage to further understand how signage promotes safety. Parks, schools, grocery stores, and other places install signage in order to keep the community safe. Signs can also provide valuable information regarding safety updates in certain areas. For example, many beaches will have signs regarding the wave and/or current weather conditions. Signage relays important information to update community members and help keep them safe.

03. Describes the character of the community

Do you know what makes your community unique? What is the history behind the making of your community? If you are unable to answer these questions, observe the signage displayed around your community. Buildings, parks, and other community areas have signs that explain their unique history. When visitors and tourists visit your community, their first impression is often determined by signage. Here in Cedar City, UT, we have signage that displays our pride for our close proximity to many National Parks.  

04. Promotes awareness for community-related issues

Whether it’s promoting driving safety or alcohol awareness, signage has the ability to spread awareness for concerns in the community. If your community has created a recent campaign to help improve community-related issues, signage is one of the best ways to spread the word about it. Installing signage to promote awareness for community-related issues can help improve the quality of life for the members of your community.

05. Helps local businesses create a voice

Here at Rainbow Sign & Design, we focus our resources towards helping small business’s succeed within their market against large corporations. By creating signage for local businesses, our pride for where we live and work continually grows. Proper signage elevates local businesses and helps them to have a voice in the community. To learn more about how local businesses benefit communities, read our article here.

06. Creates relationships within the community

Signage has the ability to help foster and nurture relationships in the community. Proper directional signage attracts people to new stores and businesses. When this happens, new relationships are fostered within the community. On top of that, signage is a means of communication that can start up meaningful conversation. By attracting people to new places and starting up conversations, signage gives us all the ability to express ourselves and create meaningful relationships in the community.

Click here to see our works in the community.