Your logo shapes the perception customers have about your brand. The right logo is memorable, easily identifiable, and distinctive from competitors. Read on to determine if a logo redesign could help elevate your brand.
01 You don’t love it
Here at Rainbow Sign & Design, our designers are easily able to tell if you need a logo redesign by asking, “do you like it?” If you aren’t able to confidently answer “yes”, chances are that your logo needs updating. You should always feel confident and proud of your logo design. If you aren’t confident with your logo, our team of experienced designers are ready to create a logo design that you’ll love.
02 The design elements are outdated
How long ago was your logo designed? If you are unable to answer this question, your logo design may be outdated. No matter how well-done a logo design was originally done, design elements will become outdated after a certain amount of time. It is suggested that a logo be redesigned once every five years to keep the design elements current. However, a logo redesign is often simple and only requires a few changes to make it modern again. For instance, certain fonts that were popular 10 years ago are now seen as outdated. Perhaps you only need a simple font change to refresh your logo.
03 Customers can’t properly identify your brand
A logo is a very useful tool that helps people immediately identify your brand. If your company has expanded to offer new services and/or products, your logo should reflect those changes. Your logo should always properly align with your brand’s identity. Your brand identity is the visual elements of your brand that help customers easily distinguish you from competitors. The right logo will relate a clear message to your customers and provide certainty about what your business offers.
04 It wasn’t done professionally
There are many reasons to get your logo done professionally. Your logo sets the first impression for your brand. When done correctly, a logo has the ability to increase brand loyalty, attract new customers, and differentiate you from competitors. Professional designers have the experience needed to incorporate strategy into your design. With a proper strategy and plan behind your logo design, your professional logo will strengthen the connection between your customers and your brand.
05 The design is too complex
Logos have to be able to resized to fit into emails, business cards, social media, etc. Complex logos are often not easily identified when they are scaled down. In addition, when you opt for a more complex design, the message that you are portraying to your customers may also appear complex. For the most part, complex logos are difficult to remember. While it is possible to have a successful complex logo, you have to make sure that your logo is easily identifiable and aligns with your brand. If you are finding that your logo is confusing due to its complexity, it may be time to simplify it and create an immediately recognizable design.